George Louvros, President of MedPro Respiratory Care, is pleased to welcome Dr. Al Sperry to the organization. Dr. Sperry will be assuming the role of Chairman of the Board, effective immediately.
Dr. Al Sperry brings 26 years of experience in the sleep industry in multiple international jurisdictions including Canada, U.S, Asia and South America to our organization. Dr Sperry, established and managed Sleep labs in multiple countries, in additional he has lectured at over 20 international conferences primarily on the value of Sleep Patient management and decreasing the comorbidities associated with Obstructed Sleep Apnea. Dr Sperry is committed to the improvement of the outcomes for Sleep patient. These validated protocols have been designed for improved outcomes by implementing a stringent and effective compliance regimen, ensuring the maximum benefit for the patients of MedPro Respiratory Care.
We look forward to Dr. Sperry’s contributions to the continued enhancement of the MedPro Respiratory Care Sleep Disordered Breathing program.
George Louvros
MedPro Respiratory Care